Stronger. Smarter. Cleaner.
A breakthrough hydrogel enabling unparalleled decontamination performance
- ✓ Green technology: non-hazardous, pH neutral
- ✓ Nuclear, chemical, biological remediation
- ✓ Cost-effective (10X)
- ✓ Unparalleled performance
- ✓ Over $11M of R&D invested
DeconGel™ is a water soluble, biodegradable decontaminant that has demonstrated unparalleled performance in removing chemical, biological and radiological contaminants and reducing labor, waste and disposal costs.
DeconGel™ is OSHA non-hazardous, RCRA certified and approved for WIPP disposal. DeconGel has been tested by numerous agencies and enterprises, such as the U.S. Navy, Department of Energy, Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Army-Joint Program Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear and Explosives, and the Japan Ministry of Environment.
Apply. Dry. Peel.
- Nano-molecular penetration
- Chemically binds and encapsulates surface contaminants
- Mechanically lifts particulates
- Dries into easy-to-peel film
- Works on many complex surfaces
- Brush and spray formulations
Next-generation decontamination technology

- Works on LIQUID and SOLID particulates
- ZERO preparation
- Penetrates and removes contamination from cracks, pores, and voids at the nano-molecular level
- Works on variety of surfaces (smooth, rough and painted) and complex geometries
- Minimal odor, respirators not required during application or peeling unless mandated or when used in close quarters
- Dries into a high tensile film that is easy to peel (non‐sticky) and discard
DeconGel is formulated for the removal of many solid-state contaminants & some liquids
- Am-241
- Pu-238
- Pu-239
- Pu-240
- Pu-241
- Pu-242
- Cs-137
- Cs-134
- Co-60
- Mn-54
- Fe-55
- Ni-63
- Ni-59
- Sr-90
- Co-58
- Mercury
- Lead
- Cobalt
- Arsenic
- Chromium
- Beryllium
- Thallium
- Zinc
- Nickel
- PCBs
- Asbestos
- Oil
- Mold
- Mildew
- Soot/fine particulates
Restoration of cast stone fireplace (fine soot)

Oil Contamination on Driveway
Apply and let dry

Then peel…encapsulates ALL contaminants

Disposal: minimizes waste –
45 lbs. wet; 7.5 lbs. dry (20 Liters)

- Lower waste equals cost savings
- Lower waste equals reduced manpower
- Lower waste equals reduced logistics
- Lower waste equals faster turnarounds
Waste remediation by-product comparison:
100,000 sq. ft. of nuclear contamination
Waste Generated Using DeconGel

13,000 lbs. = $104k
Used on Chemical compounds and hazardous materials
- Aldehydes (Glutaraldehyde)
- Alkaloids (Nicotine)
- Aromatic Liquids (Toluene)
- Aromatic Solids (Naphthalene)
- Arsenic Compounds (Arsenic Trioxide (As2O3)
- Elemental Aluminum Powder (Al)
- Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3)
- Aluminum Chloride (AlCl3)
- Aluminum Potassium Sulfate (AlK(SO4)2))
- Antimony
- Barium Compounds (Barium Chloride (BaCl2)
- Barium Carbonate (BaCO3)
- Beryllium Compounds
- Beryllium Surrogates (Elemental)
- Cadmium Compounds (Cadmium Chloride (CdCl2)
- Cadmium Oxide (CdO)
- Chromium Compound (Potassium Chromate (K2CrO4)
- Cobalt
- Copper Compounds (Copper (elemental), Copper (I) Oxide)
- Crude Oil
- Cyanide Compounds (Potassium Ferricyanide (K3[Fe(CN)6])
- Halogenated Solvents (Tetrachloroethylene)
- Industrial Coolants (Ethylene Glycol)
- Industrial Solvents (m-Cresol)
- Iodine Compounds (Potassium Iodide (KI)
- Iron Compounds (Iron (II) Chloride (FeCl2)
- Lead Compounds (Lead (II) Oxide (PbO)
- Lead (II) Sulfate (PbSO4)
- Mercury Compounds (Mercury (II) Chloride (HgCl2)
- Mercury Oxide (HgO) and Mercury elemental
- Navy Dye Marker
- Nickel Compounds (Nickel Nitrate (Ni(NO3)2)
- Organic Acids (Benzoic Acid)
- Organic Bases (Triethylamine)
- Tin compounds (Tributyltin Chloride)
- Methamphetamines
- Molybdenum
- Nickel
- Pesticides (DDT)
- Plastics Feedstock (Aniline)
- Phenolic Compounds (Catechol)
- Selenium
- Silver
- Vanadium
- Zinc
What makes DeconGel so Effective?
- Surfactants – aggressive surfactants, emulsifies hydrophobic materials, stabilizes metals
- Chelates – solubilizes heavy metals
- Thixotropes – allows product viscosity to break down under shear simultaneously allowing thick wet films on vertical surfaces and spraying
- Wetting Agents – wets out surfaces, particulates and the interior of porosity
- Defoamers – increases film toughness, decreases adhesion, re-coat capable (can accept multiple coats)
- Dye – allows visualization of wet film thickness and location (e.g. complete coverage)
- Biocide – stabilizes product during storage
- Buffer – near neutral pH
Focused product suite developed for targeted applications

General Design information: DeconGel 1108/1128
- Appearance:Viscous polymer gel
- Shelf Life:5 years, re-certifiable
- Density:8.5 lbs. per gallon
- Percent Solids:15%
- Dry Film Thickness (DFT):20% of Wet Film Thickness (WFT)
- Volatile Organic Content:Zero
- Thinner/Solvent:Ionized Water
- Temperature Use Range:40F to 120F
- Decontamination Factor:up to 100%
- OSHA Status:OSHA Non-hazardous under (29 CFR Part 1910.1200)
Flammability:Non-flammable, but incinerable
Liquid class III B, under OSHA (29 CFR 1910.1200);
flashpoint >200°F - Melting/Freezing point:0°F
- Boiling point:212°F
- pH:5.0 – 7.0
Proven effective in independent government and customer tests
- Environmental Protection Agency – effective against radioactive isotopes
- Department of Energy – effective against radioactive isotopes
- DOE – Environmental, Security, Safety and Health Achievement Award/approval for beryllium decontamination
- U.S. Navy – Approved for use at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard; also for liquid petroleum contamination in shipboard tanks
- Naval Air Systems Command – safe for use on a range of materials
- Japan – approved for use at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and surrounding communities
- Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) – certified as non-hazardous
- WIPP-certified
- Approved for use in GE reactors
Key advantages of breakthrough technology

- User-friendly application reduces total decontamination time, labor cost, and waste volumes by up to 80%
- Labor-intensive pressure washing often ineffective, entails high labor hours and significant waste disposal costs
Broad range of government and industry customers
- National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Defense R&D Canada
- Idaho National Lab
- VA Medical Center
- Lawrence Livermore
- Oak Ridge
- Perry Nuclear
- Savannah River
- Fermi Nuclear
- Hatch Nuclear
- Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard
- Naval Research Lab
- Naval Corrosion Lab
- Edgewood Chem-Bio Center
- Dept. of Homeland Security
- Bureau of Reclamation
- BAE Systems
- TRW Inc.
- Conoco Phillips
- Thermo Fisher Scientific
- Battelle Memorial Institute
- Geisinger Health System
- First Energy
- HTDV Hawaii
- Levitt-Safety
- Shaw Environmental
- Triumvirate Environmental
- National Geographic
- Safety and Ecology Corp
- VWR Inc.
- Fastenal Inc.
- Matson Shipping
- VWR International GmbH, GE
- Atomic Energy CN
- Ontario Power Generation, CN
- Berthold Technologies, EU
- E.ON Group, GE
- Unitech Services Europe, EU
- Biological Health Services, UK
- Southern Scientific, UK
- Dept. of National Defense, CN
- Royal Military College, CN
- National Research Council, CN
- Overplus Global Services, SA
- Nigerian LNG Ltd
- EnviroKorea Co., Ltd.
- Tokyo Electric Power Company
- Japan Aerospace Corporation
- Zen Ei Corporation, JP
Cask end cap – decontaminates complex surfaces without abrasion or damage
U.S. Department of Energy National Lab customers

Oak Ridge National Lab
Oak Ridge, TN
- Savannah River
- Los Alamos
- Pacific Northwest
- Sandia
- Lawrence Livermore
- National Energy Technology
- Oak Ridge
Commercial nuclear power plant customers
- Perry Nuclear Power Plant
- Bruce Nuclear Generating Station
- Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station
- Braidwood Generating Station
- Ontario Power Generation
- Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station
- San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

Bruce Nuclear Generating Station
Ontario, CA
Live chemical warfare agent (CWA) decontamination

- Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological Defense (JPEO-CBD) and Dugway proving grounds performed classified field tests of DeconGel on emerging CWA threats
- JPEO-CBD and Dugway reports that DeconGel to be an exceptional physical decontamination method (data classified)
- In-house tests on VX and sulfur mustard simulants showed decontamination to levels below limit of detection across a variety of surfaces
- DHS R&D contract currently exploring a highly effective bio-kill implementation of DeconGel
Remediation of bilge sludge and petroleum fuel deposits

DeconGel cost benefit analysis – Navy DDG
*Data from U.S. Navy
Remediation of PCB contamination aboard USS Missouri – 60% cost savings

Application | Stainless Steel | Aluminum | Concrete* |
DeconGel 1102 (Non-Brushed) | >94% | >94% | >87% |
DeconGel 1102 (Brushed) | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Cost analysis: decontamination of PCB-contaminated spaces aboard USS Missouri
- Product and equipment cost: solvents, clay and PPE ($732.50)
- Time required: 35.5 man-hours over 3 days ($2,433)
- Transportation and disposal of waste generated: 2,127 gallons @ $0.55 per gallon ($1,170)
- Total decon costs: $4,335 and 3 days
- Product and equipment cost: 5.28 gallons at $121 per gallon and PPE ($773)
- Time required: 10 man-hours over 2 days ($685)
- Transportation and disposal of waste generated: 2 barrels at $150 per barrel ($300)
- Total decon costs: $1,758 and 2 days
- 60% LOWER total costs using DeconGel and 33% FASTER turnaround time
Decontamination of metal contaminants at electronic recycling facility
Contaminant* | Swipe Before DeconGel | Swipe After DeconGel® “Troweled” | Decontamination Efficacy (%) | Swipe After DeconGel® “Scrubbed” | Decontamination Efficacy (%) |
Antimony (Sb) | 386 | 74.8 | 81% | 74.5 | 81% |
Barium (Ba) | 3630 | 223 | 94% | 65.7 | 98% |
Cadmium (Cd) | 113 | 5.1 | 96% | 1.7 | 99% |
Chromium (Cr) | 276 | 14 | 95% | 9.9 | 96% |
Cobalt (Co) | 85.6 | 6 | 93% | 2.9 | 97% |
Copper (Cu) | 3600 | 149 | 96% | 50.1 | 99% |
Lead (Pb) | 5890 | 339 | 94% | 106 | 98% |
Molybdenum (Mo) | 55.8 | 2.9 | 95% | 1.6 | 97% |
Nickel (Ni) | 1970 | 93.8 | 95% | 29.9 | 98% |
Selenium (Se) | 2.1 | ND | 100% | ND | 100% |
Silver (Ag) | 338 | 26.5 | 92% | 19.9 | 94% |
Vanadium (V) | 21.8 | 1.7 | 92% | 1.1 | 95% |
Zinc (Zn) | 10300 | 909 | 91% | 237 | 98% |
Mercury (Hg) | 7.3 | 2.6 | 64% | 0.79 | 89% |
Lead dust remediation at Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard – Building 6

- 52,000 sq. ft. foundry complex vacated due to lead dust contamination
- Initial DoD decontamination efforts determined to be not cost justified
- EPA DeconGel field test demonstrated excellent efficacy and cost savings:
- Over 95% decontamination to below OSHA acceptable limits
- Demonstrated cost savings of over 36%
- GEL now working with NAVFAC for remediation of entire complex
Cleanup of hydraulic/jet fuel fluid spills on USS O’Kane flight deck
Problem: recurring deck rust and corrosion

- CBIP asked to demonstrate utility of DeconGel as surface preparation tool
- Object of test was recurring corrosion and rust on DDG
- 8 panel areas were selected
- All surfaces prepared with grinding, then DeconGel 1102 as the “wiping process” to remove chlorides and metal particles and other contaminants
DeconGel used to clean panels prior to primer application
- DeconGel is a proven and tested product and represents the latest technology for decontamination of hazardous and radioactive materials
- Hazmat applications are infinite, but require client knowledge of operational processes and environmental safety and health regulations
- Proposed changes to U.S. Navy regulations for use in bilge tank cleaning and other ship cleaning applications in process; products approved for us at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard
- Can provide competitive edge with highly effective, differentiated products that can save 40+% in total project cost
- Application training for major clients; comprehensive product briefings available upon request
Galen Enterprise LLC
- Contact Details:
- Galen I. Ho, President & Owner
- – Cell: 808-753-9400
- – email:
- – Cummings Center, Suite 365E
- – Beverly, MA 01915
- Galen I. Ho, President & Owner
- Call us for pricing, order processing, and additional technical information
- Detailed, in-person product briefings also available upon request